Nunnington Hall: Through the Seasons

This exhibition celebrates the passing of the seasons in the Nunnington garden in Yorkshire, marking the moment when a plant is at its most beautiful. Crafted by Rachel Dein, her botanical castings freeze the garden's fleeting elegance with intricate detail, reflecting people's appreciation for nature's imperfections and resilience in a changing climate.

This exhibition is the outcome of a two year project. During this time, Rachel visited Nunnington several times, observing the garden's evolution across the seasons, learning about their gardening practices and influences, handpicking plants for casting, and collaborating with Head Gardener, Nick Fraser. Together they explored the philosophy and working practices of Nunnington, and how today, our gardens and green spaces - no matter their size or situation - must work harder for the wellbeing of people, wildlife, and the planet.

Thank you to the National Trust for commissioning this film, and in particular to the filmmaker himself, Sam Schoettner.

Nunnington Hall in Yorkshire

Nunnington Hall in North Yorkshire

Crocosmia, Feverfew, Buddleia, Hosta, Sea Holly, Red Valerian, Tansy, Love-in-a-Mist, Lavender, Marjoram and Fennel

Rachel Dein's bas-reliefs of Alder, Rose, Sedum, Crab Apple and Garrya

Alder, Rose, Sedum, Crab Apple and Garrya

Rachel Dein's bas-reliefs of Cavalo nero, Fern, Garrya elliptica, Rose, Viburnum Bodnantense and Mistletoe

Cavalo nero, Fern, Garrya elliptica, Rose, Viburnum Bodnantense and Mistletoe

Rachel Dein exhibition at Nunnington Hall

Inside the exhibition

Rachel Dein collecting flowers in Nunnington garden
ExhibitionRachel Dein